It’s the beginning of another legislative session, and while water may not be top of the agenda, we’re never off the hook.
Someday, this state will face another serious drought. Through its regional planning process, Texas is far ahead of most other states when it comes to providing for future water needs. Overlooked in the process, however, is the role of private land conservation — and the need to protect the land where the rain falls. Through the No Land No Water campaign, launched recently by the Texas Ag Land Trust, we hope to raise awareness for the value of private working lands as irreplaceable contributors to the state’s water supply.

When it rains in Texas, that rain falls largely on privately owned farms and ranches. In fact, 97 percent of Texas land is in rural, private ownership. With proper stewardship, these lands capture and clean the water that recharges our aquifers and rivers, and supplies our drinking water.

Unfortunately, Texas is losing her rural lands at an alarming rate to development and fragmentation, which can lead to increased erosion, sedimentation in rivers and reservoirs, polluted runoff, limited aquifer recharge, and added pressure on municipalities and water districts to invest in costly water treatment and collection infrastructure. The conservation of Texas’ private working lands is one of the most immediate and cost-effective strategies to ensure a future of abundant, clean water for all Texans… Read more from