by admin | Sep 8, 2014 | News, Transmission Lines & Wind Farms
On Saturday, September 6th the Hill Country Alliance hosted a landowner workshop for those landowners potentially impacted by the LCRA’s proposed Blumenthal substation and transmission line project. The workshop featured an update from the LCRA on the status of... by admin | Aug 26, 2014 | News, Transmission Lines & Wind Farms
A landowner workshop has been planned for all interested in, or potentially impacted by, the proposed substation and transmission line planned for the Blumenthal area, September 6 near Fredericksburg. Learn more by admin | May 13, 2014 | News, Transmission Lines & Wind Farms
An open house will be held this Thursday, May 15th regarding a new LCRA electric substation and transmission line project in the Blumenthal area east of Fredericksburg. The meeting will be held at the Stonewall Chamber of Commerce from 5:30 – 7:30. Learn more and let... by admin | May 6, 2014 | News, Transmission Lines & Wind Farms
Final CREZ lines have been completed, a public meeting will be held in Stonewall May 15th regarding the Blumenthal Substation and new transmission line, The first major wind farm in Central Texas is now online in Mills County. Learn more from the most recent Save Our... by admin | Dec 31, 2012 | Transmission Lines & Wind Farms
December 3, 2012 “End of Wind?” Statesman headline 12.2.2012 reads “End of Wind? Some say industry will fade if federal tax credit vanishes in fiscal cliff deal”….. “The state has made a large investment in building transmission lines, which will become operational... by admin | Dec 31, 2011 | Transmission Lines & Wind Farms
December 29, 2011 Environmental impact of CREZ December 23rd was the final day to submit public comments for the LCRA draft Environmental Assessment (dEA), draft Habitat Conservation Plan (dHCP) and related Incidental Take Permit (ITP). The Study Area includes...