Leadership Institute
The Hill Country Leadership Institute is designed for city council members, county judges and commissioners, groundwater conservation district board members and general managers, and anyone serving in a public leadership role.
Leading in the Rural Hill Country
Leading in the Rural Hill Country is a partnership program of the Hill Country Alliance and the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country that connects leaders in the rural Hill Country so that we can identify common challenges, share solutions, and pursue opportunities for our region’s future.
County Tools Report
The tools that counties have to manage growth and conservation are far from perfect; yet, they can be effective – and there are innovative ideas already available for local leaders to adapt and apply. Learn more in this resource from HCA and partners.
Community Resilience
Since 2004 Hill Country Alliance has brought together residents from across the 17 counties of the Texas Hill Country. As we move forward and adapt to new forms of community connection, we are working to keep you informed on relevant Hill Country news and regional resources.
Planning and Development
The natural treasures of our unique region are vulnerable to rapid, unplanned growth. Regional planning offers the opportunity to develop plans for the future that help protect many of the qualities that make the Hill Country such a desirable place to live.
Challenges to Scenic Beauty
The Texas Hill Country is known for spectacular scenic beauty. Tourism drives much of the region’s economy as visitors are drawn to the many scenic drives, rolling hills and heritage ranch lands. Yet protections don’t exist for threats to our valuable scenic assets.
Texas Legislature
HCA strives to be an important resource for those who wish to follow legislation related the Hill Country’s natural resources and scenic beauty.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
We cannot succeed in protecting the lands, waters, night skies, and communities of the Hill Country if we are not engaging with the full diversity of the communities we aim to serve. HCA is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion-based solutions that promote healthy natural resources and thriving communities for ALL Central Texans.
Children in Nature
The future of the Texas Hill Country really lies in the hands of next generations. Kids spend so much time at the computer, playing organized team sports and preparing for standardized tests, how will they learn about our water systems, native plants and land stewardship strategies?