Model HOA Language

A New Resource for Homeowners of the Hill Country
According to a recent report published by the Texas Hill Country Conservation Network, the population in unincorporated areas of the Hill Country doubled between 1990 and 2020, and it shows no sign of slowing over the next 20-30 years. More people mean more homes, development, land fragmentation, impervious cover, loss of habitat, demand on water, and outdoor light escaping into the night sky. At the same time, recurring drought and record summer temperatures, along with growing demand, are severely reducing our surface water and groundwater resources. The 2022 State Water Plan demonstrates that our current water supply is not enough to meet future water demand. How can we protect and preserve our native landscapes and natural resources? A large majority of Hill Country land is unincorporated where counties have limited authority to manage growth and shape new housing developments or commercial construction.
However, it’s quite common for Homeowners Associations (HOAs) to have Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) that govern residential construction, community landscape requirements, and home maintenance standards. The HOA structure of community governance presents an important opportunity for new developments and existing HOAs to craft or amend CC&Rs and thoughtful Landscape Guidelines that encourage water conservation, native landscapes, and night sky friendly lighting. Such action can substantially contribute to preserving the region’s natural resources for future generations and building resilience against environmental pressures, like drought and heat.
Whether you are a developer establishing CC&Rs for a new subdivision, or an established HOA board or committee wishing to revise existing Landscape Guidelines, this guide can be a valuable tool for achieving significant and beneficial changes.
Save the date: Webinar on Monday, 3/31
To accompany the launch of this new resource, HCA is hosting a webinar on Monday, 3/31 from 12-1PM that covers what’s in the guide, how it was developed, how to implement it, and allow time for audience Q&A.
Setting up Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R) to promote water-wise and low-impact landscaping
This section outlines best practices for CC&Rs tailored to preserve Hill Country natural resources. You will find clear, enforceable guidelines that balance homeowner desires for aesthetic appeal with conservation imperatives. Sample language addresses water conservation, native plant landscaping, and outdoor lighting.
Model Landscape Guidelines for the Hill Country (for New and Existing HOAs)
CC&Rs often delegate residential landscape control to Architectural Control Committees (ACCs) or Landscape Design Committees (LDCs). These committees can promote Landscape Guidelines that conserve water on residential landscapes and HOA common areas. This section provides model landscape guidelines to reduce outdoor water use, help protect water supplies, promote native Texas wildlife, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of Hill Country communities.
Implementation for New and Existing HOAs
Implementing CC&R best practices and model landscape guidelines requires collaboration between developers, HOAs, homeowners, cities, counties and sometimes even local groundwater districts. This section offers practical steps for integrating these guidelines into both new developments and established neighborhoods. It emphasizes education, community engagement, and phased implementation to facilitate smooth transitions and maximize compliance.
Helpful Templates
We know each HOA and community is unique. Here is a downloadable and editable copy of our Model Landscape Guidelines that you can update for your community.
We also provide a template you can use to file changes to your HOA’s Landscaping Policy with the county.
Click the images to view a PDF copy. For ease of editing, a Word version is also available – click the buttons below the corresponding images to auto-download as a Word document.
We want to hear from you!
If you are using these templates in your office or HOA, please let us know so we can spotlight these efforts across the region. Email with updates.
Interested in implementing this guide in your development or HOA?
Click the button below to schedule a meeting or presentation to your HOA.