Zero Net Water

Imagine a water management strategy that would accommodate growth and development without unsustainably pumping down aquifers or incurring the huge expense and societal disruption to build reservoirs or transport water from remote supplies to developing areas. Welcome...

San Antonio named a “Promise Zone”

Five U.S. communities have been designated “Promise Zones” by HUD and USDA including San Antonio’s east side. These communities will benefit from a comprehensive approach to development that will enhance and connect local assets ranging from schools to housing to...

San Antonio Seeks Ownership of Its Wastewater

A bid by San Antonio’s water utility to declare ownership of the sewage it treats and releases has sparked a regional tug-of-war — one that could become more common as Texas’ thirsty water users struggle to protect their supplies. Read more from the Texas...

Hays County rainwater fund proposed

On January 21st the Hays County Commissioners Court discussed creation of a Hays County Rainwater Initiative Fund, the Hays “RAIN” Fund. After reviewing the proposal and hearing from speakers supporting the proposal, the Commissioners unanimously agreed to authorize...