State of the Hill Country Report reveals threats to the region.

State of the Hill Country Report reveals threats to the region.

Booming population growth and sprawling development, groundwater depletion, changing climate patterns, extreme droughts and floods, and a unique set of policy challenges threaten the natural resources that define the Hill County region—resources on which millions of...
New Book: Wanted! Mountain Cedars, Dead and Alive

New Book: Wanted! Mountain Cedars, Dead and Alive

Spicewood Publications is pleased to announce the release of Elizabeth McGreevy’s book: Wanted! Mountain Cedars, Dead and Alive tells the story of Mountain Cedar trees that grow in the Texas Hill Country. Over the last 100 years, these trees have been...
Rain, wind and fire: What La Niña means for Texas’ winter fire season

Rain, wind and fire: What La Niña means for Texas’ winter fire season

Texas’ winter/spring wildfire season is about to begin. Fire experts predict it could be a particularly active season due in large part to the presence of La Niña this year. The weather pattern often brings drier, warmer weather, and strong winds: the perfect recipe...