Is Texas Hill Country in danger of being ‘loved to death’?

Is Texas Hill Country in danger of being ‘loved to death’?

Deep in the heart of Texas, the traffic is backed up for almost a mile. It’s a jarring sight for long-time residents of the Hill Country, a rural oasis of scrubby green hills, crystalline water, and bright white limestone west of Austin and San Antonio. But it’s not...
Open Space is the key to keep the Hill Country thriving

Open Space is the key to keep the Hill Country thriving

Editorial by Frank Davis, Hill Country Conservancy Anyone who is familiar with the natural areas of the Texas Hill Country will attest to their beauty and wondrous nature. Crystal clear spring-fed streams, steep canyons and bluffs, majestic forests, and...
Conservation organization releases report on health of local environment

Conservation organization releases report on health of local environment

A recently released report from the Texas Hill Country Conservation Network examined the current state of conservation and growth in the Hill Country. What it revealed was a region at a crossroads, facing threats to its future. Read more from Madi Teleschow at...
Conservation and growth are focus of ‘State of the Hill Country’.

Conservation and growth are focus of ‘State of the Hill Country’.

The Texas Hill Country Conservation Network is made of dozens of non-profits, government agencies, academic institutions and aligned private businesses from across the 18-counties in the region. The Network wants to continue to see growth, but also protect the areas...
Amid troubling UN climate report, Texas ecologist says we have to act fast to adapt to a warming planet.

Amid troubling UN climate report, Texas ecologist says we have to act fast to adapt to a warming planet.

On Monday, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a new report, sounding the alarm again on the rapid warming of the planet. The publication asserts, in part, that the impacts of global warming are now simply “irreversible.”But there are still...