by admin | Feb 28, 2022 | Community, Community Resilience News and Resources, Equity in the Outdoors, Hill Country Tourism, News, Planning and Development, Regional Planning, Uncategorized
The fabled adage, “Please all and you will please none,” seems to be an apt description of many of the city’s community engagement endeavors, with the ongoing outreach around the Zilker Metropolitan Park Vision Plan serving as a timely example. Read more from Amy... by admin | Feb 21, 2022 | Community, Ecosystem Services, Equity in the Outdoors, Groundwater Resources, Habitat Conservation Plans, Land Conservation and Stewardship, Legislature and Regulation, Low Impact & Sustainable Development, News, Planning and Development, Public Lands, Uncategorized, Water Conservation, Water Planning, Water Quality
If you’re watching this latest episode of “Solutionaries,” the newest from our solutions journalism-based digital show, then you’re already well aware that the topic is climate change, and everything environmentally related. You might be wondering, “How sustainable...
by admin | Feb 19, 2022 | Conservation Easements, Equity in the Outdoors, Groundwater Resources, Land Stewardship, News, Public Lands, Water Conservation, Wildlife
These days, it’s just common sense that pollutants and trash are bad for the Edwards Aquifer, which is San Antonio’s main source of water. But a hundred years ago, landowners thought nothing of using caves or sinkholes on their property as trash dumps....
by admin | Dec 21, 2021 | Community, Equity in the Outdoors, News
I’ve had this paper in the hopper for a while, waiting for the courage to write about it, in large part due to the controversy over Critical Race Theory but also — and perhaps primarily — because I am an old(ish), white, straight male fearful of saying (or writing)...
by admin | Dec 2, 2021 | Community, Equity in the Outdoors, Land Conservation and Stewardship, News, Public Lands
The Wimberley Trail Project has received approval of more than $970,000 in funds from the Texas Transportation Commission for sidewalk infrastructure. The money will fund sidewalks connecting Wimberley High School, Danforth Junior High School, Wimberley Market Days...
by admin | Nov 2, 2021 | Community, Equity in the Outdoors, Low Impact & Sustainable Development, News, Planning and Development, Regional Planning
Bryan Parras recalls a time in elementary school when he accompanied his dad on a work trip to Nederland, in Texas’ Golden Triangle. The warehouse where his dad organized county workers was “just one open vacant room with a bunch of chairs like you would see in a...