Wastewater plans make Hill Country residents worry Pedernales River could turn into ‘sewer’

Landowners are concerned about the future of the Pedernales River after recent filings for wastewater permits at two developments. The permits ask for permission from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to discharge treated wastewater on land near the river....

Fight ensues over pristine Texas land purchased by billionaire for luxury resort: ‘The alarms went off when people in this area first heard’

Part of the area, perhaps “one of the last remaining ecosystems” in the state, according to the Austin American-Statesman, has been in Lew Adams’ family since the 1940s. The creek and springs feed the Pedernales River, which ran dry in each of the...

Is Austin going to run out of water?

On an unseasonably warm day in 2023, conservationist Robert Mace looked down into the clear spring waters near San Marcos and saw signs of trouble. As executive director at the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, he spends his days studying the ecology south...

Conservation deal will ban development on 1,200-acre Comal property

Under a new conservation easement, held by the Edwards Aquifer Conservancy, Moore and Dischinger have guaranteed that the land will remain as it is in perpetuity, preventing it from being turned into more suburban sprawl. The agreement also protects vital acres on the...

Hackers target the Muleshoe, Texas water system – not for ransom, but as a test

According to cybersecurity experts, Texas is in the crosshairs of attempts by hackers trying to attack critical infrastructure. And it’s happening in unexpected places, like the tiny town of Muleshoe, Texas, where the water system overflowed in January after a hacker...