Recent Water Resources

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Explore Recent Water Resources

The goal of the Spring Water Revival is not just to celebrate our clear and flowing Hill Country waters, but also to educate community members about their local water resources and highlight ways to get involved. Below, we have compiled recent – and timeless – water-related resources for folks across the Hill Country.

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Private Dams - Understanding the Permitting Process

In the last couple of years, we’ve seen an uptick in new private dams in the Hill Country. These new dams have raised questions from downstream landowners about the process for permitting new dams, and what to do if you discover an unauthorized dam. In this October 2024 webinar, we cover the complex world of dam permitting with the agencies that regulate dams.

Tools for Managing Groundwater in the Texas Hill Country

This resource from the Hill Country Alliance – created in May 2023 – is meant to demystify the available tools for groundwater management and make groundwater planning and management more accessible across the Hill Country.

Water-wise Landscaping Ordinances

In the Texas Hill Country, up to 70% of potable water is used for landscaping, especially in the summer. This presents a huge opportunity to conserve water by shifting landscaping practices in the region. By implementing landscaping ordinances that promote water-wise landscapes, cities can achieve huge water savings and maximize the long-term sustainability of the community’s water resources and outdoor spaces.

Wondrous Wicking Gardens

Now is a great time to point out how awesome a wicking garden can be! Wicking gardens allow you to conserve time and water while letting your plants thrive. Learn about the wonders of wicking gardens and get some tips on how to spice up your own backyard garden in this special feature.

Water Resource Myths and Truths

Water resources are among the Hill Country’s most fragile assets and they are in jeopardy. Thousands of free-flowing springs feed our creeks and rivers with clean, cool water — contributing to the long-term health, quality of life and economic vitality of this region. As more people move to the Texas Hill Country, it is important to dispel the common and long-held misperceptions relating to Central Texas’ water resources and to keep our attention on the importance of clean, flowing water.

Seizing the Moment

In November 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed into law resulting in $2.9 billion specifically for Texas' water infrastructure improvements. This video shares 5 things you should to know and explains why your community should take advantage of this opportunity!

One Water Guidebook

A Guidebook for Connecting Communities with Projects and Professionals

The Hill Country Alliance is working with National Wildlife Federation and partners to promote and educate on One Water throughout the Hill County. This guidebook, a joint project of our organizations, is intended to connect Hill Country communities facing growth and increased demands for water with water professionals experienced with One Water strategies, planning, implementation, design and construction. We interviewed engineers, architects, planners and landscape designers to gain insight into the realities of One Water projects, and within these pages feature the 14 selected professionals along with an example project each completed in Texas.

Navigating the TCEQ Wastewater Permitting Process

Wastewater is one of the biggest challenges facing the Hill Country. In this recording, from a February 2023 event with Hill Country Alliance, Save Barton Creek Association, and the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance, attorney Lauren Ice joined us for an interactive conversation on how to navigate the TCEQ wastewater permitting process.

Pristine Streams

Clean, clear pristine rivers and streams in Texas support the state’s vibrant tourism and recreation-based economies and contribute known value to the lands that surround them, both public and private. Wastewater is the last thing we need in our remaining pristine streams.

Currently, advocates are working on a strategy to change the rules at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the entity in charge of overseeing environmental regulations. With a new rule in place to protect the specified stream segments, applicants who once may have sought a wastewater discharge permit will be directed to apply for a Texas Land Application Permit (TLAP) and to consider the addition of a Chapter 210 Reuse Authorization for one or more other beneficial uses.

Riparian Areas: Where Land Meets Water

An easy way to keep Hill Country streams clean and flowing is to use simple riparian management techniques. A riparian area is often described as the “river bank” but in reality it is much more. The riparian area is the interface between land and water along a body of water. It includes the vegetation, soils and features from the water’s edge across the flood plain to the upland area. Typically, the best approach for managing this system is to do nothing, observe and let nature do the work.

Learn more about how good riparian stewardship benefits water quality by watching these videos from the Hill Country Alliance and our partners at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Healthy Creeks Initiative and the Hays County Master Naturalists.

Investing in Water Infrastructure

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has an additional $2.9 billion to invest in water infrastructure across the state thanks for special federal legislation that passed in 2021. HCA co-wrote a paper with Texas Living Waters Project on what that means for Hill Country communities seeking investments in their water infrastructure.

Learn more at or by watching the 2-minute highlight video below.

Additional Water Resources from our Partners

Read on and click around for events, activities, news, and a gazillion ways to safeguard and celebrate water all month long.

Texas Water Trade - Net Zero Water Toolkit

New Comprehensive Onsite Water Reuse Toolkit for Texas Developers

Texas Water Trade is working with the private and public sectors to develop new supplies of sustainable, climate-resilient water through an approach known as Net Zero Water. Net Zero Water can be achieved in many ways, including buildings that harvest and reuse water resources onsite, from rainwater and air conditioning condensate to wastewater reuse. 

A Winning Trade: Texas Water Markets Review

How Water Markets Can Benefit Texans & the Environment

Water markets can be an important tool for ensuring efficient use of available water, including ensuring adequate water for the environment.To gauge how water markets are developing in Texas and how they might best be used for public benefit, Texas Living Waters partners from The Nature Conservancy and Oxford University conducted the first statewide analysis of historic water market trends.

Environmental Defense Fund - Groundwater Report

New Report: Flawed Groundwater Planning in Texas

A new report by Vanessa Puig-Williams of Environmental Defense Fund and Carlos Rubenstein, Former Chairman of the Texas Water Development Board and Commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental, looks at the history of Texas’ regional groundwater planning process, and some of its flaws.

Beyond making the case for additional funding, increased scientific resources, and better protections for streams and landowners, the report serves as a useful guide for folks looking to better understand the groundwater planning process. Click here to read more from our Partners at Environmental Defense Fund.

National Wildlife Federation - Funding Database

Nature-based Solutions Funding Database

National Wildlife Federation just launched a new online tool for navigating federal funding and/or technical assistance for nature-based solutions. You can use filters to search for nature-based solutions funding and technical assistance resources that fit your needs.

Click here to access. 

Spring Water Revival is a Hill Country Alliance event.

The Hill Country Alliance is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to raise public awareness and build community support around the need to preserve the natural resources and heritage of the Central Texas Hill Country.