The Fight for Water Begins – Preserve our Hill Country Environment

I am Milann Guckian, president of Preserve our Hill Country Environment (PHCE) Foundation. It was January 2022 that I last wrote about our ongoing battle with Vulcan Construction Materials and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TECQ) regarding the proposed...

Drought crushes Texas water pipes with massive funding need

Water main breaks are at record levels, aquifers are at historic lows, and funding for new water supplies is elusive. Central Texas still is figuring out how to adapt its infrastructure to extreme drought and rising temperatures intensified by climate change, and its...

Hill Country conference brings communities together for sustainable water solutions

A recent conference in Boerne brought local leaders and officials together to learn about sustainable water practices and conservation efforts in the Hill Country. The conference was organized in partnership between the City of Boerne, the Cibolo Center for...

Protecting the Trinity: Why the San Antonio area’s other aquifer is so important

The Trinity Aquifer is a key water source for the San Antonio and Hill Country area, and its health plays a key role in the health of another important water source, the Edwards Aquifer, which provides water for more than 2 million people. Protecting the Trinity and...