“Cultivating a Community of Stewardship” theme of recent HCA Leadership Summit

Written by Michael Hawkins, The Comfort News – republished with permission. The Summit has become a must-attend event for Deborah and I because of its unwavering focus on what people and organizations are getting right in the work they’re doing to preserve the...

Burnet County seeks law change for more power over subdivisions

The Burnet County Commissioners Court joined the Hill Country Alliance in condemning a 2023 state measure that allows developers to build subdivisions with questionable infrastructure and water access in rural counties. The court voted unanimously at its regular...

City, Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance continue battle against Hill Country wastewater plant

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality voted Wednesday to grant a contested case hearing to the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) and landowner Ann Toepperwein in opposition of a wastewater permit for a plant...