
Scenic beauty is one of the most valuable assets of our region. Yet new billboards are being erected at an increasing rate on our county roads and highways, detracting from our region’s unique character and distracting drivers on windy roads. Counties in Texas currently don’t have the authority to regulate billboards, dark skies, energy transmission lines or cell towers — these issues are left to the Texas Legislature, which is only in session once every two years. During the 2009 session, several bills related to billboards near Hill Country roads were filed, but none successfully passed.

Chairman Coleman filed HB 1360 in the recent session of 2011 which would have given tools to manage billboards to counties. A strong showing of support turned out from several Hill Country counties however the bill was left pending in House County Affairs Committee after facing fierce opposition by the outdoor advertising industry.

This Space Available: a visual pollution documentary highlighting Scenic Texas Warriors

Four-page reference guide from Scenic America

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