by admin | Apr 4, 2022 | County Authority, Economics of Sound Planning, Planning and Development, Regional Planning, Transportation Planning
The standard approach for engineering projects is well-established. A team of technical experts determines that a project needs to happen. They get whatever authorization they need to move forward in evaluating options. They put together options, most frequently three...
by Leah Cuddeback | Apr 4, 2022 | Community, Economics of Sound Planning, Legislature and Regulation, Low Impact & Sustainable Development, News, Planning and Development, Regional Planning, Texas Hill Country Conservation Network, Transportation Planning, Uncategorized, Water Planning
Editorial by Francine Romero, University of Texas at San Antonio After visiting Gruene recently and encountering the explosion of new housing developments along the old rural roads leading to downtown, I was further disheartened to read that 252 duplex units on 22...
by admin | Mar 3, 2022 | Community, Planning and Development, Transportation Planning
“Almost all of our transportation investments go to support commuters and, by extension, the proliferation of the development pattern that accompanies the commuting lifestyle.” I wrote these words last week for an article on a light rail project here in Minnesota...
by admin | Nov 18, 2021 | News, Planning and Development, Transportation Planning, Water Quality, Water Resources
Forty years ago, there was no clear blueprint for environmental justice. While digging into the injustices that wreaked havoc on Houston’s communities of color, Texas Southern University scholar Robert Bullard became the pioneer. Now, widely regarded as “the father of...
by admin | Nov 18, 2021 | News, Planning and Development, Transportation Planning
As a society, we often can’t see ourselves in the villains of our history books. Back then was a less enlightened era, we tell ourselves: a more prejudiced one, a more shortsighted or naïve one. The things they did we would surely never do today, because...
by admin | Oct 11, 2021 | Community, Equity in the Outdoors, Hill Country Tourism, Land Conservation and Stewardship, News, Public Lands, Transportation Planning
San Antonians can now travel almost 40 miles straight without ever exiting a trail. An eagerly awaited connection between the Leon Creek and Salado Creek Trails officially opened this past Friday, Oct. 1. A newly minted trailhead at Eisenhower Park links the two sides...