by Leah Cuddeback | Dec 19, 2022 | Drought, Groundwater Resources, Legislature and Regulation, Native Landscapes, News, Planning and Development, Regional Planning, Water Catchment Areas (Watershed), Water Conservation, Water Planning, Water Quality, Water Resources
Cities and farmers in Central Texas used to pump groundwater from the Edwards Aquifer much more freely—draining local springs and rivers and depriving several endangered species of a habitat. In the 1990s, the Sierra Club sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on... by Leah Cuddeback | Dec 1, 2022 | HCA in the News, Land Conservation and Stewardship, Land Stewardship, Local, Sustainable Agriculture, Native Landscapes, News
Have you heard? There’s a whole world of life in the soil beneath your boots. News about the benefits of soil health is everywhere and agricultural producers across Texas are taking notice. Healthy soils lead to clean air and water, bountiful crops and forests,... by Leah Cuddeback | Nov 18, 2022 | HCA in the News, Land Conservation and Stewardship, Native Landscapes, News, Night Skies, Scenic Beauty, Water Resources, Wildlife
The 2022 winners in the “Snapshot of the Hill Country” photo contest have been chosen, and you can hang their work on your wall with a 2023 calendar. The Hill Country Alliance contest “challenged photographers to capture the fleeting beauty of... by Leah Cuddeback | Oct 26, 2022 | HCA in the News, Land Conservation and Stewardship, Land Stewardship, Native Landscapes, News, Scenic Beauty, Water Resources
As we learn more about living mutualistically with nature, we find an increasing number of things in our lives that we need to change. In the 1960s, for example, the world learned about CFCs in hairspray and what those chemicals were doing to our ozone layer. So, in...
by Leah Cuddeback | Aug 22, 2022 | Camp Bullis Sentinel Landscape, HCA in the News, Land Conservation and Stewardship, Land Stewardship, Local, Sustainable Agriculture, Native Landscapes, News, Riparian Management, Water Catchment Areas (Watershed), Water Resources
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it is awarding $197 million for 41 locally led conservation projects through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). RCPP is a partner-driven program that leverages partner resources to advance... by Leah Cuddeback | Aug 16, 2022 | Land Conservation and Stewardship, Land Stewardship, Low Impact & Sustainable Development, Native Landscapes, News, Water Conservation, Water Planning, Water Quality, Water Resources
“Texas is a land of perennial drought, broken by the occasional devastating flood.” —Unnamed Texas Meteorologist, 1927 The first part of this 1927 quote from an unnamed Texas meteorologist certainly describes 2022 so far. The first half of this year was the fifth...